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臀腿伸展 Hips & Legs Stretching



Yoga Shala 853

適合任何人士參加 Suitable for everyone

臀腿伸展  Hips & Legs Stretching
臀腿伸展  Hips & Legs Stretching


2023年4月13日 18:30 – GMT+8 19:30

Yoga Shala 853, 澳門宋玉生廣場322-362號誠豐商業中心4樓K室, 4K, Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, Macao


在臀腿伸展課上,老師會著重更多地伸展身體的下半部分,這可以幫助學生緩解從下背部到腳部的僵硬和緊張。 老師將觀察學生的程度,以便每個學生都按照自己的能力和限度進行身體伸展。

In the Hips and Legs stretching class, teacher will focus on stretching the lower part of the body more which can help students relieve their stiffness and tension from lower back to feet. Teacher will observe the capability of the students so that each student is stretching at their own pace and limitation.


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