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瑜伽呼吸法和冥想 Pranayama and Meditation



Yoga Shala 853

適合任何人士參加 Suitable for everyone

瑜伽呼吸法和冥想  Pranayama and Meditation
瑜伽呼吸法和冥想  Pranayama and Meditation


2023年8月04日 19:45 – GMT+8 20:45

Yoga Shala 853, 澳門宋玉生廣場322-362號誠豐商業中心4樓K室, 4K, Centro Comercial Cheng Feng, Macao


透過呼吸練習,讓生命的能量流動擴展至全身。 透過有意識、有控制的呼吸,帶領身體在輕盈流暢的動作轉換間,為身心帶來充沛活力;穩定的調息並能幫助沉澱心緒,釋放緊繃壓力,深度放輕鬆。冥想是可以幫助你平靜神經系統,擺脫恐懼引發的壓力與焦慮。

Through  breathing exercises, the flow of life energy expands throughout the body.   Through conscious and controlled breathing, lead the body in light and smooth  movement transitions, bringing vitality to the body and mind; steady breath  adjustment can help settle the mind, release tension, and relax deeply. Meditation  can help you calm your nervous system and get rid of stress and anxiety  caused by fear.


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